
God bless the reefs!

"Sou che, ni yo kong ma?" "Miss, do you have time?"

I was hurried off going home when two interracial middle aged men blocked my way. It got me amused on how they speak soft toned mandarin accent. They asked if I have time to make a little conversation with them. Well I was quite stilted, unknowing how to treat them with a fair language. I'm all flattered they staggered faking their chinese to someone who's not really chinese. I've been out here in a while I think I've lost control of proper grammar.

"I'm sorry sir, do you speak English?"

"Certainly we do! I am Interracial Middle Aged Man 1 and this is my friend Interracial Middle Aged Man 2. We stay here in Taipei for sometime doing a special cause for a special charity act."


Hmm..I thought these scenes are valid giving some aww consideration. They had big bags and pamplets and a record book of donors, all the works to convince me I'm bound to become a good generous person. IMAM1 told me I speak better english than the people they've talked with that day. I guess they're still in belief i'm one of the yellow people, and that i'm denying it. Anyway, IMAM2 explained their drive's causes and such. Any amount given are to be for the benefit of homeless Indian kids. Oh yeah, I felt heroic. So I searched for my austere purse. Now, worried that I might be ticket short (God, I am losing it..haha)..and I real was looking for an option.

"But I only have 50bucks left. Will this be fine?"

"Of course, the important thing is you give yourself to help other people."

An aww moment rushed, as IMAM1 handed me a pen to sign in their record book. There placed columns for lists of names, addresses and the amount of the help you gave. Dang, all are the real yellow people who came signed before me - guess i've been really faked here that I realized they're very generous. Next least donation given was 500 worth..yay. Finally I found a way out when I wrote from where I am. The IMAMs are amused. The latter spoke.

"Well, you must be good speaking with us - now that you're from the Philippines?"

"Yes, I've been working here for more than a year now."

"Hey I've stayed in the Philippines too for 2 years. I was in Cebu, and he IMAM1 lived in Baguio."

"Really, so how do you find the Philippines?"

"Philippines is a beautiful place. It's unfortunate though that Filipinos have to find work abroad to aid poverty they've experienced in your country. It must have been hard for you working here away from your family."

Yeah homesick was happening for sometime. But the difficult adjustment for me would be of the culture, behaviour, and Taiwan being a wannabe Japanese punk. It was stressful too learning visayan dialect - as half of the Filipinos work here hail from the south kind of showbizness. Not to dissapoint them I said it was tough dealing with a different environment, and that I am all ok coping with it now.

"So for how long are you staying here in Taipei?"

"Oh, we'll be leaving next week, as we have to arrange with these donations for the kids..and visit our families back home."

"Where from in the States are you?"

IMAM1: "I'm from California"

IMAM2:"..and I'm from Sau Paolo..You know Brazil? I'm from South America."

Dear, dumbfounded me I quickly introduced my good friend who lived in Sao Paolo too. Sheesh..This couldn't be real. It's like I've seen my friend in the flesh by this IMAM2 who claims he's Brazilian. I've never been more interested to ask questions..

"..but that's another story how we became friends. It was nice talking with you. I'm sorry but I need to catch the train. I hope to see you again soon."

This leads I guess to the most of my excitement realizing the earth could really be small - that people tend to see each other the nearest eye to eye scenarios - everyone is connected by good ways possible with only-God-knows reasonable reasons.

For donations, don't miss this chance of becoming a good generous person. You can start acting now too. It's Bhaktivedanta Eco Village Society, a non-profit charitable relief based in India.

Further info at http://ecovillageasia.org

For my friend, I miss him more than ever. I know how he is, but he sometimes is careless I always bugged telling him to watch out for the great reefs. They have no mercy to surfers. He would tire his eyes down pretending he's not hearing anything. Well, you could never know what's happening next.

Truly, I could never know.

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