
If you hurt me, I'm gonna hurt you back.

Another day without a word.

Remember the moments you just burst out to such uncontrollable anger, so much furious, so much wanting to do something to that someone who just hurt you? Ha! Worse is that it seemed to be so easy and careless of them to have made you to such a poor terrible object of deceit..But you're the good guy. You'd rather shut your mouth, and forfeit, and cry. Shright. But what if time calls for action, some violent solution...like revenge?

Forget about anger management. Why not use your imagination instead? We are. Mortal. Enemies. How would you punish those who's done evil things to you? Any way specific? Anything dramatic, mind-blowing payback spectacular, just like in the movies? ;P

I would like to participate in a duelo, that pop bloody sword fight. Yield!

Or be a member of Fight Club. Astig.

Peace. and love thy enemies. \m/


Reality check.

I've recently made an assessment of my life, how I've been the past years and all. There was one significant time when I've hit the lowest in my life. I was having a good job. I was ultimately living in independence. Everything was doing good. Except that I've always felt alone. I was away from home. I understood perfectly that these things are happening the way it should be..but there's always something missing. I didn't like where I am. I didn't like the environment of people around me. Not that I've become so aloof, that I'd be criticizing everyone I meet. I've had few true good friends. I've learned few good things from experiences. Only a few, and the rest is a sad cold lie. I was losing track of it all.

I guess I've stepped a little too much on how the real society is. It was the first time looking on the ugly phases some people tend to take, over for the things ideal and right. Some live too much on preoccupations. Others and more, for money, no matter what the risks are. Always for deception, greed, hate. But there's nothing for passion. Nothing for love. Anymore. I've realized how people have become so empty and numb living their lives..without fixing anything for the better, without mending pains. It seems to me, getting by and through the hell of it all is the only way to live. Worse is that they've learned to get used to it. They've began to be good at it too. Stepping on others and always aiming for the edge.

I've become completely derranged. Is there really such a good and a bad thing? Is there any difference between right or wrong? I'm not trying to be misleading here. I'm sorry I'm bad at getting my point..but you know what I mean, right? I've made mistakes too and learned from them. I admit at times it's tempting to try do the less-difficult ways of getting what I want out of life, just like the others. Do we really have to lie?

I'm still in the process of re-evaluating my actions, and thingking carefully on it..on what do I really want to be and want to be doing, at least for today. I refuse to be cold. I'm turning away from the lies. Where this all leads, no one knows. But I know I have to keep a good heart, to let it start beating again, with of course, coping up to this crazy world we live in.

How does someone reach to the truth of what he really is and how he is happening, being aware and all of his perceptions, beliefs, and decisions? Or will we ever achieve that fulfillment we ever dreamed of? What could you or could you more, need out of your life to be contented? That narrow path to clarity, or that wide open road to nowhere, which one would you choose?

If you ask yourself these kind of questions, what could your answers be?

..and my head aches again ;) Quite complex, sorry. X/


My Favorite Things

1. Strawberry. The ultimate passion fruit. The red, sweet strawberry lingers in the mouth like wild. Served best with honey.

2. An old black piano. I've been taught and played music for a time. A piano is quite hard to afford these days..but I'll make sure that next year, I've already saved for my own precious musical instrument. I don't know why I like my piano to be looking older..but surely when it sings, melodies would sound just like the awesome classics!

3. Books. Books. Books. The joy of reading. The journey through the pages. The lessons learned from stories. Currently reading Mark Fritz's Lost on Earth: Nomads of the New World.

4. Cha (tea). Life without tea is life without water. Green, Earl Gray, Jasmine, Rose, lovely! Tea makes me feel a whole lot calm, or at least makes me look less hostile after cups and cups more. ;P

5. Love? It's my heart that gets me going, always. Love reminds me of why I live and what I live for. Love makes me happy, sharing it with my family and with all those close to my heart. Love takes me back to sanity, after a while of pain. Love is faith. Love is passion. Love is life!

6. El cielo y mar. The sky and the sea. Nothing beats a perfect sunrise by the beach. Of course sunsets are wonderful too, and that magical mood after. ;P

7. Blogger! I know my piece is badly written, but thanks for sharing your thoughts. :) So what are the things you love most?