
Have faith. Always.

"Those who follow Tao declare that there is no evidence that a god created our world. They have not found any empirical proof, and they cannot accept the idea philosophically. They reason that god must be absolute and this means oneness, omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. Naturally, anything separate and distinct would not satisfy this criteria. If there was a god and a world that god created, then there would be two things- and god could not then be considered absolute. If there were an absolute god, there could not be anything separate from god. Everything is god. We are also god. However, we fail to realize this? Why? Because we look for god outside of ourselves. We make the mistake of taking ourselves as the viewer and then seek god as the object of our examinations. Unfortunately, everything we perceive is tainted by our subjectivity, and anything that we define as god "out there" cannot be god because it is not absolute. All you've found is something that exists in relation to your perceptions. You are god. The only way to confirm this is to remove the barrier of subjectivity that prevents you from realizing your essential oneness with all things."

* Amazing ideology. If we were to praise only ourselves a Godly faith, existence would be fragile, and in question. I could perceive that I stand a part of this conciousness, that I am one with the self. Though I still don't think this would serve and pass as proof of something absolute anyway. A religion stands weak, and is regardless therefore. I can only always acknowledge my presence, my worth, my purpose..and my faith to God.

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